Friday, 27 January 2012

All The Cool kids Are Quitting Facebook

All The Cool Kids Are Quitting Facebook

The popular social networking among youth nowadays will be a Facebook. This is because Facebook is user friendly than the other social networking place. Jenna Wortham came out the article which the title is “All The Cool Kids Are Quitting Facebook”. As we all know, Facebook is the one social networking that can make us stay in touch with our lost friend for a long times after didn’t meet each other. I don’t agree towards the author opinion that quitting Facebook will be called ‘Cool’.

People can always update their status to express their emotion or have any opinions towards the other people. By using Facebook also we can stay in touch with our friend especially when we are kids. Starting with primary school, secondary school then college or university lastly is working world. When we enter working environment, it will be have barrier or difficulty to stay in connect with our friend that study primary or secondary school with us. So Facebook will make us stay in touch together like school or college.

Facebook also is the medium of interaction towards the other. For example, majority Facebook user will find their lost friend or create page for their primary or secondary school to keep in touch together and will invite to have reunion to keep connecting each other.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that Facebook is the best social networking to make us connect each other although we in working environment. Friend will come and go but the truth friend will stay beside us forever for support.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Steve Jobs Nobody Knew

The Steve Jobs Nobody Knew

The article “The Steve Jobs Nobody Knew” by Jeff Goodell tell us about Steve Jobs and Apple brand. As we all know Apple is the multimillion companies that produces Ipad, Iphone, Macbook, Ipod and many more. Steve Jobs is an educated person that can create something that is different from the other.

His weird attitude make people can’t stand with him. In my opinion although Steve Jobs had been fired from Apple for ten years but accept back to work with Apple because his idea to generate Apple economy. His attitude also mentioned in this article. Perfectionist is one of his attitudes that the worker can’t stand with him. To produce something that is useful must use critical thinking.

For example that we can take is Apple Iphone 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4G and 4GS. The developments of mobile phone from Apple which an idea came from Steve Jobs make Apple economy go forwards than the other. People always rely especially towards wise person.

As wrapping up, Steve Jobs an educated person which can develop Apple to become the biggest empire of technology nowadays. Crazy idea will produce something that will be most meaningful to remember among people.

The Jews and their deceits

The Jews and their Deceits

“The Jews and their deceits” written by Adolf Hitler. In this article he gives some information and background of Jewish. He also told the individuality and personality of Jewish towards the other.

After read whole the article now I know why people hate so much towards Jewish. I think the opinion came out from Adolf Hitler is acceptable because nowadays people always talk bad about Jewish and their deceits. Jewish become cruel because of their background before this. They had been treated so badly and inaccessible by the other. So they promise to build the empire which is strong to revenge and prove them already success.

I also watch The Arrival video which about the Jewish. Nazi regime which leads by Adolf Hitler did not kill all Jewish and left a few from Jewish for all to see why they hate so much about Jewish. He wants us to be aware and careful about Jewish because they have many deceits.

As a conclusion, they can plan as much as they can but their fates still not change because Allah already decides it. Al-Quran and Hadith will be the guide for us.